Sunday, August 10, 2008

First Blog

So, I decided to start a blog to perge my writing urge.

I have a journalism degree, which is not being utilized and a brain full of sh*t that needs to be shared.

Therefore I figured I would start a blog to allow me to say whatever I was whenever I want about anything I feel is important and hopefully get a few people who are interested to check it out.

This first blog is an intro to me. I want to give people some perspective on my frame of mind before I actually write anything that irks me beyond the fact that at this moment I feel a great amount of disappointment when it comes to my life. Now don't get me wrong, I don't blame others for this, but I do know that I have to start things myself.

If you want to write, then write, hence the blog, and if you want to create then do so.

This is essentially my starting point of letting it out so I can push forward to where my passions lay.

Enough about that.

Like I said I love to write, I also love to paint, draw, and do any and all things that will allow me to be creative. I'm also a poet. With that said I am also a very passionate person and when it comes to issues of race, sex, religion and politics in general I tend to fell exceptionally strong about subjects in relation to...

That pretty much means I might say things many people don't agree with and I may have points of view that people find to be irrelivant and out dated... I feel until issues are resolved in the eye of the people who suffer from (racism, homophobia, sexism, and hate in general) it is never resolved.

Since I am a black female, I pretty much tend to take the black female perspective on things, which I feel is not accurrately depicted in the media. I feel I am open-minded, but that doesn't mean I agree with a lot of what I see and hear.

My mother calls me her lil' politican, because I have such strong views on thing, I know I'm not the first or only person to feel the way I do, but I love to talk and therefore I'mma talk about it.

Anyway, I'm not sure on how to end this, maybe I'll come up with a little catch phrase, but for now I'm just gonna end it with this....

Sometimes picking your nose allows you to touch that part of your brain that remembers what it was like to be a child.