Wednesday, June 22, 2011

BUDGET CUTS, Reckless ‘SEX’: misogyny and the angry bitch pt2

Far too often are there debates in politics where women’s issues are used to rile up the opposition and divert from the main issues.

The most recent adage the main stage of distraction is the cuts to Planned Parenthood of Indiana. Evidently Medicaid may no longer be used to provide women with birth control, cancer screenings or prenatal care. Yes, that’s what people have a problem with; a woman’s access to birth control and whether or not she can get an early cancer screening. Welp, no help for you.

Apparently Indiana Republican Governor Mitch Daniels (funny how his name rhymes with another more prominent term for a female dog, but I don’t want to insult the canine species or gender, but I digress), signed the law to restrict abortion and cut federal funding to the Planned Parenthood program.
Now here’s where things get highly convoluted. Medicaid was never used to fund abortions, for those who think so, you’re ill informed and it’s not surprise as to why.

The media likes to scapegoat others when it comes to the issue of tax spending. Truth be told the government $3.5 trillion on defense spending AKA Iraq and Afghanistan; this equates to 20% of the federal budget. Approximately 21% of the federal budget is spent on healthcare programs, only 1/3 of that amount is Medicaid, which roughly equates to 7% of the federal budget; that‘s nothing compare to how much tax dollars are used to feed, travel, and house these politicians (can you say government subsidized housing?).

Knowing all this, Medicaid is not the place to trim the fat good sirs. At the end of the day tax dollars are also used for the most ridiculous crap; like keep rodents on life support to test new drugs. Drugs which will need more drugs and a PR campaign stating that the side effects of such drugs are often worse than the illness they’re supposedly curing. I mean really, what the hell is restless leg syndrome; get the hell up and take a long walk.

Outside of the cuts to Medicaid, there is a bigger picture here, one of sexism. Yes, women have to suffer because sir Bitch Daniels; opps, sorry, Mitch Daniels and his constituents believe women’s issues can always be dismissed.

Often when the debate of abortion or unplanned pregnancy come up, it is the woman who have to take the knife by the blade and wear the blood as her scarlet letter. Evidently she got pregnant alone?
Fact is, though it takes two to tango, it is often the woman who has to provide for the child and far too often women are left to provide for the child alone, especially in minority communities.

These politicians have irrational debates on what is considered rape or when a woman can have an abortion, but none of them have a uterus and I often wonder how many carry pepper spray for fear of being raped, or don’t leave their drinks unattended for fear they will be drugged.

At the end of the day these budget cuts are purely a political chess move and do not take women’s rights and issues into consideration. Too many times are women treated as a minority/ specialized group and we account for 51% of the population.

Cuts to Planned Parenthood are not going to free up the budget and the burden on tax payers.
The rich get to stay rich because they don’t pay the amount of taxes they should. Some hide their money in off-sure accounts and some have so many tax write-offs it’s unbelievable. I’m starting to think there’s a conspiracy to keep the poor, poor and ill informed. Gasp, how could I say such a thing.

Well, not only do they cut Medicaid, they cut education too. I don’t see how they get away with it.
I know, they don’t tell you and more than likely this society we live in has become so jaded, we think there’s nothing we can do about it. If this is a supposed Democracy, the people have more rank over the persons in government.
Governor Daniels, you work for me and my uterus doesn’t want to remain cancerous because you need the tax dollars to fund the gas you use in your private jet to get you to the gulf course. Also, birth control pills are used for more than keeping a woman from getting pregnant.

Women cannot continue be the ones to be scapegoat in politics for Republicans and Democrats alike to get away with murder.

When people say things like “These girls need to keep their legs closed”, they often forget; these young girls didn’t screw themselves to get pregnant. Also, the amount of teen sex/ pregnancy incidences have dropped.

So, let’s just call a spade a spade. Government makes cuts and places blame on minority groups and women for government spending issues. Facts are facts people, don’t let media falsehoods sway you from finding out the truth under all the bullshit.

Sunday, June 19, 2011


Though I may not fit the confines of arm candy, it seems as though every time I leave the house someone stops me to tell me I’m beautiful. That being said, I think we need to promote this, not just because it helps feed the ego, but its letting women who aren’t models know that their beauty is appreciated too.

Attractive cannot just be one ideal and girls of a certain size can be and are gorgeous as well.

Their beauty is not an acceptation either; in the sense that they’re attractive for a size 14-20. The fact is the media as become too pervasive in it’s dictation of ideals from beauty, to success, love and down to what underwear a woman should wear.

P.S. if you want my panties to match my bra, you can go shell out the money toluxuriate me with fanciful undergarments, I’m just making sure the one’s I wear are clean.

All jokes aside though, as women and men of the world there should be more to a person than the exterior, but sadly it’s what folks are judged on first, but it doesn’t rule out that their beauty might be behind all that.

Even I’m guilty of a few shallow moments, I’m human so I will faultier.

However I pride myself on my ability to see beauty in the masses, not just a man with the body of a Greco-Roman deity, but in the way someone carries themselves with pride and a sense of humbled greatness in each stride.

We need to learn to respect each other for more than the labels on one’s clothing.

Being that I am a woman of size I feel it is my duty to help bring an acceptance to the type of beauty that women such as myself posses. That being said I’m not here to glorify morbid obesity, but to remind of the reasons that artist such as Rubens and Botticelli are so appreciated for their works and perceptions of the feminine.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Well, it's no secret that we live in a male driven society; one that is often misogynistic towards women. However, when women call attention to it, they are perceived as angry, and justly so.

Why shouldn't I be pissed off that rappers think bitch is a synonym for women or that it takes multitude of half naked women to sell products. Why shouldn't I be mad that as a woman, I will first be judged by my looks and last be judged by my looks; all other qualities become less than secondary and even worse if you're passionate and have conviction, then you're just a bitter bitch. Gotta love the society that tells me to shut up and take it like a man (that's a joke, obviously).

That being said, I'd like to say that this is not about saying all men are evil and all women are innocent. Much like any social issue there are a multiple sides, multiple causes and multiple solutions to the problem. But just like any other social issues, it's difficult to find an solution when people will not have an open dialog that recognizes the main concentration of the problem.
In this circumstance, I am referring to the blatant disrespect of women and the close-minded mouth pieces that seem to want to take the stance on blaming the victim.

For example, I often hear that women killed chivalry with the women's rights movement. How nice, so I either take being beaten, raped and abused by my male partner and not have it seen as a crime in exchange for having you open the car door for me; or ask that I be treated equally as a HUMAN and give up the privilege of you opening the door for me. Yea, that sounds fair.

Let me just say that at the core of the women's rights movement it was a fight for women to have rights and the right to be heard, the right to an equal opportunity in the work force, the right to equal pay, the right to not be ashamed of being abused, the right to say I am a human -being; no better, no worse. I for the life of me cannot figure out why such a concept became royally fucked and turned into "Women fought for the right to be treated like a man so...".

No sir, don't treat me like a man, treat me like an equal. My vagina shouldn't be viewed as a deficit to my intellect nor conversational abilities. How sick are you of hearing, "well women are too emotional"? If that doesn't have a negative connotation, I don't know what does.

First of all, we all have emotions. It may be unfair that men are limited to their expressions of emotions due to societal norms, but don't use my aptitude for conveying or feeling as an insult. Truth is, men's emotions are limited in range, but hey that's not your fault. Secondly, if women weren't "emotional" the human race would die off. Let's face it 70% of women don't orgasm from vaginal penetration, yet we still engage in sex with some folks who really, really, really don't deserve it. You know why? Because we have emotional attachments to that person, we want to please them, we want to make them happy and at the end of the day we have to breed an procreate so, sorry if my emotions are infringing on your pursuit of pussy.

None the less, it's beyond disrespectful how women are still being seen as the "weaker sex". Last I checked the strongest muscle in the human body is the uterus and males don't have one. Also, don't take a difference to mean less than you. Men are women are a lot more alike than we know (I say know because no one's truly researches how men an women are before they engage in the exchange of insults).
Both men and women want love, both want sex, both want to survive, both want to be happy, both want the same, but both are different. It's like apples and oranges, both are fruit, but not the same.

At some point men need to look at women as more than a commodity. I'm a HomoSapien, not a Rolex, nor can I be exchanged for liquid assets. Wait... ok, maybe we can, but that doesn't make it right and I'm hoping you get the point.

At the end of the day this is a male dominated world, but for some reason women are blamed for the wrongs against them.
For example, women are told that mean treat women like shit because women allow it. I wonder when we will call into question the actions of the men? When will it be said that you will be showing more respect to yourself by respecting these women rather than using them for personal gain.

We have to understand this psychologically as well. If you can understand that when placed in a constant stream of troubles, people will learn to accept any degree above that as better. Therefore, if I am constantly abused physically, I will then settle for being abused emotionally. At least then I don't have to explain away the scars.
With that understanding, I believe it will be easier to comprehend that in a sleuth of boys dressed up like men/ Peter Pan complex, one will settle for the one in the best costume or the one not sporting the green tights with a wayward shadow.

Granted, like I mentioned before, not all women are angels or innocent of wrong doing to men, but let's just take it one step at a time. Like I said, we have to take on mending the biggest scars before we go tending to the little scratches attained throughout.

No, men aren't all evil and most men probably aren't away of their misogynistic ways, but can you blame them. If you grow up in a male dominated society, how is it possible for you not to be a product of your environment. The problem here lays in getting them to admit it on a large scale and go forth in fixing it.
We can't sit around all day blaming one another for where the problem started, but it needs to be addressed and solved on some level, because I would hate to have a daughter knowing what she would be subjected to as time goes on.

If the dating pool only becomes worse for each generation, what shall our children look forward to in life.

Remember the family is the first introduction to socialization and if we look at any problem in this world it is answered with community, love and family. So if we can fix the problems before we become a family, don't u think we would last longer?

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Well, seems like everything with any real journalistic content is now demeaned "Anti-American"; thanks Patriot Act, you've made me feel all the more secure about living in a so-called free country. Can you please instruct me when to bend over, if I'm gonna be anally raped, I'd at least like to be as comfortable as possible.

That being said... Really?!?! What the Fuck! Wikileaks, granted it may be unsettling to some government officials, it's actually news, and God knows how I've been yearning for some meat in this field of dry bones called journalism.

In today's society, news is anything celebrity and anything sensationalized to the point of ad-nausea. Give me a break, who the hell cares which rapper is screwing which video vixen, or which actor was caught in a hotel room with a consenting adult having loud ravenous sex (that's for you Charlie Sheen).

The point being is that there is no more investigative journalism, especially in the era of globalized governments monitoring your words and chastising for using your outside voice to call them out on blatant abuse of their citizens. Get that, CITIZENS, not terrorist. If it is a democracy, why are citizens being policed like radical jihad suicide bombers?

Simple, we live in what should be considered a Plutonomy: a society where a majority of the wealth is controlled by a shrinking minority; AKA what we Americans like to call our Capitalist society.

In such a society, how can the people ever govern themselves when it is the money that rules the world? How are we to make a government that answers to the needs of the people when the peoples voices can't be heard over The Wall Street Journal, New York Times, FOX News network, Viacom and Clear Channel?

With all the misuse of media, I call this the best war strategy ever. You're pacified, dumbed down and accept the bullshit with a side of over sexed advertising and celebrity menucha.

WikiLeaks is not the devil in this game, but they will be made an example of. I'm sure Julian Assage is definitely gonna pay for this one. As a matter of fact, who's to say he doesn't come up missing... and the worse part of this will be that even we, the "educated one's" will let it happen.
We're too filled with complacency and too jaded to be outraged into action.
We will only speak of this amongst our friends.

Make heated debates over the state of American media relations without ever acknowledging the part we play in the downfall of our country and our freedoms.
Freedom is never given, it is ALWAYS taken. However, we will drink the Kool-Aide, have our vegan pancakes, buy our Polo t-shirts, watch the latest celeb sex tape, complain and continue (not necessarily in that order).

We're signing up for the anal probe and complaining that the motherfuckers never bought us a drink first.
I'm not sure how we go about fixing the tumultuous relationship we as CITIZENS have with America, but we definitely need some group counseling ASAP.
The problem is, a vast majority of us cannot even agree on the fact that there is a problem, what the problem is and who to go to for help.

At the end of the day, I want to see some progressive change. I want to see the Dream Act passed, I want immigrants of colour to not be treated as the thorn in America's side (Mexicans are Americans read a book for a change) and I want our school opened back up. How about we pay attention to the truth, they close schools to build prisons. We use products in our developed country that 3rd world and under-developed countries wouldn't allow. We don't make products, the only thing America produces is celebrity and greed. Do you want that for your children?

Where does the truth come from if not our media sources and thorough investigation? Where do we get our backbone from if not the voices of the people? When do we stop writing blogs (Myself included) and do something?

Thursday, December 2, 2010



I find myself often criticized for my self deprecation; perhaps it's a defense mechanism, but it's based on some semblance of reality.

That being said, I am in no way confused about who I am perse, and most definitely not confused about my looks and my perspective of how I am viewed. These perspectives are often reflected in the media and in your general conversation.
Be that as it may, people still think me wrong for being too aware of the reality, or maybe it's that the truth is discomforting. It's much easier to be a pseudo-thinker with understanding than it is to acknowledge someone else's perspectives.

Anyhow, I decided to blog about this, because I feel my tongue is often misunderstood, probably for good reason, but then again how many people actually take the time to get to know me; there aren't very many and most are putting you in a box anyhow.

Blah, blah, blah... the reality is being large (5'10" and 200+ pounds) means as a woman, you are UNATTRACTIVE. Let's face it, attractiveness will always be relative to thin, white and blonde; the Eurocentric ideals if you will.
I'm far from thin, though not ugly, but being chubby cheek and black never made the cover of VOGUE.

Though women of every shape and size get the disrespectful cat calls and disgusting excuse for a man to hit on them, the ratio is far higher if they think you're easy. Let's keep it real, men think big girls are EASY. Why you ask? Their perspective is, "who else wants you" or "you should be honored I'd be seen with you in public".
Don't believe me, take a look around during last call at the bar, all the big girls are being hit on; last call for alcohol and last call for pussy and no one wants to work hard whilst intoxicated.

I have often had to deal with a blatant disrespect from men, especially on the the NYC arts scene. You'd be surprised at who tried to get some ass in exchange for use of their studio, or who wants to text dirty for pussy all while putting on a front of artistic depth... may I add a NIGGA PLEASE and let the congregation say PHUCK YOU!

All in all, when I make statement about my size, I am fully aware that I'm not considered socially acceptable, I also know when you think telling me I'm pretty will get my pussy wet. I may be jaded, but my synopsis is highly founded on reality and day to day observation/ data.
I know there are girls who befriend me as the fat ugly friend and men who think I'll phuck them because their cute and wanted. So, why tell me I have low self-esteem. Truth be told, I have low esteem for others.
Not to mention, we as humans are social creatures; it's not easy to walk around in a body that nobody likes, and even if they do, you don't match their outfit or persona so... point is, this may discomfort you, but I've never been into bullshyt.

Many women of a certain size know what you want and find it rather insulting.
At the end of the day, I am human too and have a lot to offer if given the opportunity to been seen as more than an angry black woman. Unfortunately I didn't pick my complexion or gender, but have to be subjugated to a stereotype without any understanding of character or how such views are made.

In this world, women are nothing if they're not sexy and who the phuck wants to listen to a fat broad with too much smarts... no one. It is as I was told, intimidating.
I can admit to wishing I was a white man for this reason: my views would be taken with more validity had they come for a societal authority figure.

Beyond all that, I'm not going to act like I am not guilty of a bit of judgemental, however, wouldn't it be nice if people were judge on who they are first. I know a man of passion wouldn't be called angry, he would be seen as having conviction. Unfortunately my vagina means I'm too emotional and lack the wherewith all to speak soundly on anything except shoes and glittery things.

At the end of the day, my views on my physical apparence aren't based on having low self-esteem, shyt if I was a man, I'd marry me. However, I'm not a man, but I live in a man's world where ass is your best asset and mine is a bit too much for tha masses. Being over-weight is the kiss of death to a woman. Society still has a free-for-all in barading people of a certain size with insults as if they have no feelings, as if this person is not deserving of love. A fat man can have a wife, but a fat woman with a husband is often questioned as to "how the phuck did she get him" and "why the hell am I single when I'm so hot". I've been guilty of saying it about women larger than myself and have also heard women say that when I am with a man they find highly desireable. Not to worry ladies, he was only with me for some ass and when he didn't get it I was a "fat sloppy bitch". Warms the cockles of my heart (que smilie face).

Needless to say... and to end this rant, which is becoming redundant. My self deprecation and many other big gals, image of self sometimes is justified. Fellas, when is the last time you saw a big gal who was attractive and didn't offer a backhanded compliment of "you're pretty for a big girl".
Guess what, you're not handsome enough to be sporting a little dick.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Sarah Palin... Please Muzzle that PitBull in Lipstick

I don't understand who keeps allowing Sarah Palin to make an idiot out of herself in a public forum.
I understand she has a certain corky kinda charisma, but her intellect doesn't warrant public speaking in the political arena. It's too much rallying of ignorance to gain some sort of republican stronghold. Even they have denounced her & yet someone is still giving her air time. This must be for shyts & giggles

No one really takes her seriously expect for the undereducated missing tooth, redneck, "I's be whistling Dixie" & don't mess with Dixie type. Or do they.
What the hell do I know.

I'm not politician, however I do notice that she seems to be a reliable distraction from core issues.
Sarah "Death-Panel" Palin served as a means to help blind side people from having a real conversation about health care. Perhaps that's why the republicans keep trotting her out every now an then. It's not that I know all the find print about the proposed health care plan or budget, but it definitely gave the GOP a new means of shock and awe.

Now I'm not giving democrats a way out by saying everything in the health care plan is all peachy keen, but how do people allow a mediocre political figure such as Palin to speak on this issue. It keeps us from really getting to the meat, bone & gristle that effect American citizens.
I need then to put a muzzle on this bitch. (Pit bull in lipstick my fat ass). I could conjure up more rational for the subject and I haven't even read the proposal for health care.

As if her idiocy is not enough of an issue, news media outlets are giving her serious consideration for 2012? You're kidding me. fuck outta here (sorry for the common vernacular, but I have limits). How could anyone take seriously. Even if we base our judgements on her political career, she has no grounds. We could get Marie Carie to run based on the same down home, I'm just a regular gal bull.
She was married to a separatist people. isn't that the definition of anti-American. She just became a republican. She's as reliable as Lieberman, which is a whole nother story (he's the definition of a flip-flopper, I would hate to play chess with him). I would rather vote the hot brown gift my dog leaves on the lawn for president than her.

She really has no merit and as an American I feel my intelligence is being insulted every time they mention her and the concept of presidency in the same sentence. How base do you think my intellect is.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Being in the studio is not necessarily a new experience, but it's definitely not something I'm used to.

So this past Saturday, June 5, 2009, I went to the studio to do a little recording. Well I came to realize after getting there I would not be working on anything of my own (Blue is sneaky).

Anyhow I had to say it was nerve racking, but I kinda enjoyed it, in-spite of the fact that they kept playing the track relentlessly and I hate the sound of my voice, even more when it's singing. Beyond all that, it was memorable, but one of the highlights had to be seeing Nasser (Blue's evil twin and a hellafied MC) in action.

Granted it was definitely a track for the radio (for some, that might not be a good thing), I have to say it was fiah!!! I loved how he just took to the booth like a pro. This was his domain. He knew what to do and how to do it, what sounds to add and just how to spit it. He told me it took eight years to perfect, and I could see the hard work.

I can admire the confidence he had in his ability to do, not only what he loves, but do it in such a way that he had me singing the hook when it was done.

This is when I stopped to think about the moment before when I had to sing in the studio and came to realize I need more confidence in my abilities in general.

That being said. It was eventful and an experience I can say I learned something.