Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Sarah Palin... Please Muzzle that PitBull in Lipstick

I don't understand who keeps allowing Sarah Palin to make an idiot out of herself in a public forum.
I understand she has a certain corky kinda charisma, but her intellect doesn't warrant public speaking in the political arena. It's too much rallying of ignorance to gain some sort of republican stronghold. Even they have denounced her & yet someone is still giving her air time. This must be for shyts & giggles

No one really takes her seriously expect for the undereducated missing tooth, redneck, "I's be whistling Dixie" & don't mess with Dixie type. Or do they.
What the hell do I know.

I'm not politician, however I do notice that she seems to be a reliable distraction from core issues.
Sarah "Death-Panel" Palin served as a means to help blind side people from having a real conversation about health care. Perhaps that's why the republicans keep trotting her out every now an then. It's not that I know all the find print about the proposed health care plan or budget, but it definitely gave the GOP a new means of shock and awe.

Now I'm not giving democrats a way out by saying everything in the health care plan is all peachy keen, but how do people allow a mediocre political figure such as Palin to speak on this issue. It keeps us from really getting to the meat, bone & gristle that effect American citizens.
I need then to put a muzzle on this bitch. (Pit bull in lipstick my fat ass). I could conjure up more rational for the subject and I haven't even read the proposal for health care.

As if her idiocy is not enough of an issue, news media outlets are giving her serious consideration for 2012? You're kidding me. fuck outta here (sorry for the common vernacular, but I have limits). How could anyone take seriously. Even if we base our judgements on her political career, she has no grounds. We could get Marie Carie to run based on the same down home, I'm just a regular gal bull.
She was married to a separatist people. isn't that the definition of anti-American. She just became a republican. She's as reliable as Lieberman, which is a whole nother story (he's the definition of a flip-flopper, I would hate to play chess with him). I would rather vote the hot brown gift my dog leaves on the lawn for president than her.

She really has no merit and as an American I feel my intelligence is being insulted every time they mention her and the concept of presidency in the same sentence. How base do you think my intellect is.

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