Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Well, seems like everything with any real journalistic content is now demeaned "Anti-American"; thanks Patriot Act, you've made me feel all the more secure about living in a so-called free country. Can you please instruct me when to bend over, if I'm gonna be anally raped, I'd at least like to be as comfortable as possible.

That being said... Really?!?! What the Fuck! Wikileaks, granted it may be unsettling to some government officials, it's actually news, and God knows how I've been yearning for some meat in this field of dry bones called journalism.

In today's society, news is anything celebrity and anything sensationalized to the point of ad-nausea. Give me a break, who the hell cares which rapper is screwing which video vixen, or which actor was caught in a hotel room with a consenting adult having loud ravenous sex (that's for you Charlie Sheen).

The point being is that there is no more investigative journalism, especially in the era of globalized governments monitoring your words and chastising for using your outside voice to call them out on blatant abuse of their citizens. Get that, CITIZENS, not terrorist. If it is a democracy, why are citizens being policed like radical jihad suicide bombers?

Simple, we live in what should be considered a Plutonomy: a society where a majority of the wealth is controlled by a shrinking minority; AKA what we Americans like to call our Capitalist society.

In such a society, how can the people ever govern themselves when it is the money that rules the world? How are we to make a government that answers to the needs of the people when the peoples voices can't be heard over The Wall Street Journal, New York Times, FOX News network, Viacom and Clear Channel?

With all the misuse of media, I call this the best war strategy ever. You're pacified, dumbed down and accept the bullshit with a side of over sexed advertising and celebrity menucha.

WikiLeaks is not the devil in this game, but they will be made an example of. I'm sure Julian Assage is definitely gonna pay for this one. As a matter of fact, who's to say he doesn't come up missing... and the worse part of this will be that even we, the "educated one's" will let it happen.
We're too filled with complacency and too jaded to be outraged into action.
We will only speak of this amongst our friends.

Make heated debates over the state of American media relations without ever acknowledging the part we play in the downfall of our country and our freedoms.
Freedom is never given, it is ALWAYS taken. However, we will drink the Kool-Aide, have our vegan pancakes, buy our Polo t-shirts, watch the latest celeb sex tape, complain and continue (not necessarily in that order).

We're signing up for the anal probe and complaining that the motherfuckers never bought us a drink first.
I'm not sure how we go about fixing the tumultuous relationship we as CITIZENS have with America, but we definitely need some group counseling ASAP.
The problem is, a vast majority of us cannot even agree on the fact that there is a problem, what the problem is and who to go to for help.

At the end of the day, I want to see some progressive change. I want to see the Dream Act passed, I want immigrants of colour to not be treated as the thorn in America's side (Mexicans are Americans read a book for a change) and I want our school opened back up. How about we pay attention to the truth, they close schools to build prisons. We use products in our developed country that 3rd world and under-developed countries wouldn't allow. We don't make products, the only thing America produces is celebrity and greed. Do you want that for your children?

Where does the truth come from if not our media sources and thorough investigation? Where do we get our backbone from if not the voices of the people? When do we stop writing blogs (Myself included) and do something?

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