Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Legalizing Mary-Jane

San Francisco Assemblyman Tom Ammiano argues that it’s time to tax and regulate your favorite herbal barbiturate a.k.a marijuana, as stated in the Los Angles Times on Feb. 24.

Supposedly this proposal would mean legalizing marijuana, which would make California the first state in the nation to tax and regulate recreational marijuana in the same manner as alcohol.
Ammiano's measure, AB 390, would essentially replicate the regulatory structure used for beer, wine and hard liquor, with taxed sales barred to anyone under 21.
He believes that this proposal will help in create state revenue on California’s largest cash crop.

This can be both good and bad news to some of those who have grown to love “Mary-Jane”. It’s great that you can start enjoying your time with your number one “Bud” legally, but you will be paying taxes for your torrid love affair.

But don’t get too excited about yet, it’s quiet obvious a proposal of this magnitude involving legalizing drug use is definitely going to be opposed by those who feel marijuana is a gate-way drug or would lead to a greater societal down fall.

Ammiano does try to appease them by pointing out the pros of legalizing the drug. He believes it would boost public safety by keeping law enforcement focused on more serious crimes and while keeping marijuana away from teenagers who can readily purchase black-market pot from peers.
Not to mention this would also benefit Mother Nature as well, because this would mean uprooting an environmentally destructive pot plantations t

The natural world would benefit, too, from the uprooting of environmentally destructive backcountry pot plantations that erode an already fragile ecosystem, Ammiano said.

Well with any luck and all things work in Ammiano’s favor, you can smoke weed and be environmentally friendly. And to think your mom thought you weren’t doing anything for society be sitting in the basement all day and eating all the Captain Crunch

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