Wednesday, June 22, 2011

BUDGET CUTS, Reckless ‘SEX’: misogyny and the angry bitch pt2

Far too often are there debates in politics where women’s issues are used to rile up the opposition and divert from the main issues.

The most recent adage the main stage of distraction is the cuts to Planned Parenthood of Indiana. Evidently Medicaid may no longer be used to provide women with birth control, cancer screenings or prenatal care. Yes, that’s what people have a problem with; a woman’s access to birth control and whether or not she can get an early cancer screening. Welp, no help for you.

Apparently Indiana Republican Governor Mitch Daniels (funny how his name rhymes with another more prominent term for a female dog, but I don’t want to insult the canine species or gender, but I digress), signed the law to restrict abortion and cut federal funding to the Planned Parenthood program.
Now here’s where things get highly convoluted. Medicaid was never used to fund abortions, for those who think so, you’re ill informed and it’s not surprise as to why.

The media likes to scapegoat others when it comes to the issue of tax spending. Truth be told the government $3.5 trillion on defense spending AKA Iraq and Afghanistan; this equates to 20% of the federal budget. Approximately 21% of the federal budget is spent on healthcare programs, only 1/3 of that amount is Medicaid, which roughly equates to 7% of the federal budget; that‘s nothing compare to how much tax dollars are used to feed, travel, and house these politicians (can you say government subsidized housing?).

Knowing all this, Medicaid is not the place to trim the fat good sirs. At the end of the day tax dollars are also used for the most ridiculous crap; like keep rodents on life support to test new drugs. Drugs which will need more drugs and a PR campaign stating that the side effects of such drugs are often worse than the illness they’re supposedly curing. I mean really, what the hell is restless leg syndrome; get the hell up and take a long walk.

Outside of the cuts to Medicaid, there is a bigger picture here, one of sexism. Yes, women have to suffer because sir Bitch Daniels; opps, sorry, Mitch Daniels and his constituents believe women’s issues can always be dismissed.

Often when the debate of abortion or unplanned pregnancy come up, it is the woman who have to take the knife by the blade and wear the blood as her scarlet letter. Evidently she got pregnant alone?
Fact is, though it takes two to tango, it is often the woman who has to provide for the child and far too often women are left to provide for the child alone, especially in minority communities.

These politicians have irrational debates on what is considered rape or when a woman can have an abortion, but none of them have a uterus and I often wonder how many carry pepper spray for fear of being raped, or don’t leave their drinks unattended for fear they will be drugged.

At the end of the day these budget cuts are purely a political chess move and do not take women’s rights and issues into consideration. Too many times are women treated as a minority/ specialized group and we account for 51% of the population.

Cuts to Planned Parenthood are not going to free up the budget and the burden on tax payers.
The rich get to stay rich because they don’t pay the amount of taxes they should. Some hide their money in off-sure accounts and some have so many tax write-offs it’s unbelievable. I’m starting to think there’s a conspiracy to keep the poor, poor and ill informed. Gasp, how could I say such a thing.

Well, not only do they cut Medicaid, they cut education too. I don’t see how they get away with it.
I know, they don’t tell you and more than likely this society we live in has become so jaded, we think there’s nothing we can do about it. If this is a supposed Democracy, the people have more rank over the persons in government.
Governor Daniels, you work for me and my uterus doesn’t want to remain cancerous because you need the tax dollars to fund the gas you use in your private jet to get you to the gulf course. Also, birth control pills are used for more than keeping a woman from getting pregnant.

Women cannot continue be the ones to be scapegoat in politics for Republicans and Democrats alike to get away with murder.

When people say things like “These girls need to keep their legs closed”, they often forget; these young girls didn’t screw themselves to get pregnant. Also, the amount of teen sex/ pregnancy incidences have dropped.

So, let’s just call a spade a spade. Government makes cuts and places blame on minority groups and women for government spending issues. Facts are facts people, don’t let media falsehoods sway you from finding out the truth under all the bullshit.

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